Josephs.ScotBorowiak Properties Ltd - Truck traffic bans in Europe

Traffic bans for trucks in Europe


One on-board unit compatible with 9 toll systems in 8 European countries

German Office for Goods Transport (BAG) has officially approved the on-board unit UTA One® for registering toll payments in the German Toll Collect system.

This will enable the company to expand within several weeks the application range of UTA One® - an interoperable toll solution which was developed specially for the European Electronic Toll Service (EETS). The device can be supports 8 toll services in Austria, Belgium (including Liefkenshoek tunnel), Poland (A4), Spain, France, Italy and Portugal.
“We are happy that our on-board unit has finally been approved for paying toll charges in the German toll system. This means that UTA One® can now support nine toll services in 8 European countries.
UTA One® has a big potential; its services will continue to expand to other European countries once their toll systems become part of the European Electronic Toll Service (EETS). The German toll system can be activated on the device via over-the-air update on demand, said Volker Huber, UTA’s CEO.

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